Viswanathan Anand and Koneru Humpy catapulted Indian chess to new heights while Parimarjan Negi also made his presence felt in the year gone by.
The Asian games are getting bigger and better.
The ethnic strife in Kyrgyzstan, which has so far claimed over 120 lives, could have unpredictable consequences for regional peace and security, writes security expert B Raman.
The Indian GM salvaged a disappointing campaign with a victory in the last round, while Israel's Emil Sutovsky was crowned the winner.
The Uighurs are China's Turkic Muslims in a volatile region where unrest sits on a keg of cultural alienation.
The sixth seeded Indian ace was beaten by Alexey Kedriouk of Kazakhstan in the pre-quarter-finals of the Asian Tennis Championships.
More than 85 percent of gold mined today will end up as jewelry tomorrow. Gold mining is not an essential industry like the harvesting of food or even paper production. It is certainly not sustainable, nor is it just.
India have been drawn in along with Japan, Oman and Singapore in the Asian qualifying group for the 2006 World Cup football finals.\n\n
The India 'A' team won the silver medal in the men's section.
In the Global Corruption Index, a survey of 133 nations conducted by Transparency International (an anti-graft watchdog), India stood 83rd, recording a score of 2.8 out of 10.